Car Shipping to India on CPD – Carnet de Passage

  Car shipping to India comprises of two types; Car shipping to India on CPD (Carnet de Passage) – Temporary Export Car shipping to India for permanent relocation In this blog, we’ll discuss the requirements for temporary car shipments to India on Dubai plates. A CPD or commonly known as “trip-ticket” in UAE is an… Continue reading Car Shipping to India on CPD – Carnet de Passage

Relocating back home to europe or UK? Read all the essential requirements here!

Moving back home to Europe/UK from UAE? Take your car with you! Trust us, it’s cheaper than you think! You can save money when moving your car, motorcycle or any other vehicle(s) along as a part of your household goods. Europe and UK customs allows a full exemption of import duties (Customs and VAT) which… Continue reading Relocating back home to europe or UK? Read all the essential requirements here!